the famous treat that lives on only in Chiba Prefecture


Togane Temmon-do is a vegetable sweets product that uses fruits and vegetables from the city of Togane, Chiba Prefecture, to reproduce Chiba’s cultural legacy of Temmondo sweets in the modern age.
From growing to manufacture, this treat is made by hand, by real people.

Born from the abundant nature of the Kujukuri plain and the Hokuso earth,
infused with sincerity and the bounty of Chiba's land.

  • Ginger


    Grown in Togane Chiba Prefecture 11月〜12月辛さと甘さの絶妙なバランス。紅茶に落としていただいてもオイシイ。

  • Carrots


    Grown in Togane Chiba Prefecture 通年商品採れたて人参を味付け。人参が苦手なお子さんもこれならイケる。

  • Shiitake mushrooms

    Shiitake mushrooms

    Grown in Togane Chiba Prefecture 通年商品原木で育てた肉厚の椎茸の風味抜群。上品な味わい。

  • Eggplant


    Grown in Togane Chiba Prefecture 7月〜9月つややかな茄子紫をほんのり残した彩りも愉しめます。

  • Purple broad beans

    Purple broad beans

    Grown in Togane Chiba Prefecture 通年商品東金の新しい特産品を甘納豆感覚で。

  • Lotus root

    Lotus root

    Grown in Togane Chiba Prefecture 12月〜2月東金産のれんこんを使用。シャキッとした食感がいい。

A government-designated agricultural diversification facility (processing space)
minori deli*deli kitchen

A government-designated agricultural diversification facility (processing space)<br>minori deli*deli kitchen

At the government-designated agricultural diversification facility (processing space) in Michi-no-Eki Harvest Village Togane, minori deli*deli kitchen, we manufacture products that make use of a variety of local agricultural products. We mill rice from Togane into powder and, in response to requests for foods that children can enjoy, are developing rice flour products suited to school lunches.

TEMMON-DO Information